If you're having difficulty with your Wingz Driver app, you've come to the right place! Not to worry, we have some great troubleshooting steps to get started.
- Restart your cell phone by powering it all the way off, waiting 30 seconds, and powering it back on again.
- Try logging out of the app using the "sign out" link on the Options screen and back in again. Most cell phones are set to remember your password, but the password can always be reset using the "reset password" link on the sign-in screen if it wasn’t saved to your phone and you can't remember it.
- Try uninstalling and reinstalling the app. The download location can be found in the activation email we sent you before your activation call. The Wingz Driver app is not available in the AppStore or Google PlayStore. Please contact us if you need instructions on where to download the driver app.
- Check the software & firmware version installed on your phone and make sure it is up to date. If your phone is not up-to-date, the app will not function properly.
- Check how much available data you have on your phone. If you are low on space, you might need to clear some file space on your phone.
If all else fails, we’ll need you to submit an Instabug report. This process only takes a few seconds and will send your device information and a screenshot or screen recorrding of the screen you are on to us. Our tech team will troubleshoot and try to reproduce the issue. To submit an Instabug report:
- Open the Wingz app and gently shake your cell phone while you are on the screen that causes the issue.
- Select “Report a Bug.”
- Enter a description of how to reproduce what you’re experiencing versus what is expected to happen.
- Choose between a "Take screenshot" or "Start screen recording" to help us understand and reproduce the issue.
- Then send by clicking the "Send" icon in the top right corner!