How do I handle a car accident while on an NEMT trip?
Steps to follow for Wingz drivers involved in a car accident:
Confirm that you are not injured. If you are injured and are able to do so on your own, contact 911 for medical assistance.
If you were transporting members at the time of the accident, check on all members in the vehicle and verify that no one is hurt. If anyone is hurt or says that they are hurt, contact 911 and make sure an ambulance is dispatched to the scene.
If no one is hurt, contact 911 to have a Police officer dispatched to the scene.
Take pictures of both vehicles using your cell phone. Exchange contact information with the driver of the other vehicle (if another vehicle is involved in the accident).
Call Wingz Support using the “Contact Support” option in your Driver App and select option 2 or Dial 1-888-545-4309. Tell Wingz support what happened and the Wingz agent will give you further instructions.
Wait for police to arrive. NO ONE INVOLVED SHOULD LEAVE THE SCENE.
When the Police officer arrives, give your account of events to the officer. If anyone involved left the scene before Police arrived, record their names on the police report and mention that those individuals left and did not wait for police.
If there is any possibility that you might be at fault for the accident, we will need a Drug and Alcohol test. If police don't test you, please mention that when you call Wingz and ask how to get tested. We will provide a link to order your drug screen.
Once police have left, contact Wingz Support again to confirm that Police report has been filed and let the agent know if Verida needs to have Lyft pick up members if the vehicle is inoperable.
Email case number of police report as well as pictures of your vehicle to
Send the police report to the same email address when you have received it or picked it up at the police station. Reports might not be available immediatly.