The upcoming driver app release (version 3.0.222) features a crisp new user interface and introduces a new way of accepting trip requests. You will now be able to accept individual trip legs, instead of being required to accept all the legs of a member trip.
Download the app at this link:
Please check out the video presentation from our CTO Chris and FAQs related to this new version below:
Link to download App:
FAQ - New NEMT Driver App Launch
1. App Update Timeline
Q: When can I download the new version of the app?
A: The new version will be available for download on Tuesday, October 3rd at 12 pm EST.
Q: Is this update mandatory?
A: Yes, by Friday, October 6th at noon, all drivers will be required to update to the new version, which will undergo a 'force update'.
2. New Trip Acceptance Features
Q: How has the process of accepting trips changed in the new app?
A: For trips without the "Single Legs Allowed" option, swiping won't directly accept all the legs. A popup appears, prompting you to select all the trip's legs. If not all legs are chosen, a "Single Legs Not Allowed" message will be shown.
Q: What does the "Single Legs Allowed" option mean?
A: It means you can choose either leg A or B of a trip. Upon selection, the trip moves to 'Pending' status. This signifies that the ride will only be confirmed once both legs are accepted—either by you taking the full trip or another driver choosing the remaining leg. A checkbox will ensure you acknowledge this.
Q: What happens if I accept all legs of a trip?
A: If you choose to accept all legs, the trip is immediately confirmed for you and won't go into the 'Pending' status.
3. Navigating the New App Layout & Features
Q: How is the trip view different in the new app?
A: The app now showcases a collapsed view of trips, allowing you to see up to 5 trips per page. Clicking on a trip expands it for more detailed information.
Q: How can I differentiate between leg A and leg B now?
A: Legs A and B are now color-coded and clearly labeled throughout the app, ensuring clarity.
Q: What does the phone icon on a trip indicate?
A: The phone icon represents "Will Call" trips, where you'll have up to an hour after being contacted to arrive at the pickup location.
4. My Rides & Ride History Tabs
Q: What is shown in the 'My Rides' tab?
A: This tab displays only the legs you have accepted, keeping your view relevant.
Q: How will I know when a leg is completed?
A: Upon completing an A Leg, it grays out, and the app provides directions for the B Leg. The swiper also updates, reflecting the shift to the B Leg.
Q: What's in the 'Ride History' tab?
A: You'll find all your completed trips here. Legs completed by others won't be shown, ensuring you only see your completed rides and earnings.
5. Feedback & Support
Q: Where can I report any issues or provide feedback on the new app version?
A: Call us or email us at, please don’t text us. You can also submit an Instabug report if there are issues that will escalate to our IT and engineering team to investigate. To submit an Instabug, open the Wingz app, and shake your phone. At that point, you will see an Instabug pop-up for you to fill out details of the issue you are experiencing.
Q: Who can I contact if I need more help understanding the new app features?
A: Our dedicated driver support team is here to help! You can reach out to them via email or phone!
Download the app here: