As a Wingz driver who provides transportation services for Verida members in Georgia or Tennessee, it is mandatory to have a physical ID badge for identification during your trips. This badge helps ensure professionalism and security for both drivers and passengers. Below are step-by-step instructions to print your digital ID badge from a webpage and create a physical badge using a transparent badge holder.
What you need
- A desktop computer or laptop with internet access, connected to a printer
- A transparent badge holder. You can purchase an inexpensive option on Amazon: Vertical Waterproof Badge Holder.
Printing the Digital ID Badge
Access the Digital ID Badge
- Go to and login with the same driver account credentials you use when logging in to the driver app. This will open the webpage containing your digital ID badge.
Ensure all details (name, photo, QR code, etc.) are visible and correctly displayed. If your profile picture or any other information on the badge needs to be updated, please email the accurate information to Attach your profile picture to the email in case it needs to be updated. Our support team will confirm when the information is updated and your badge is ready to be printer.
- Go to and login with the same driver account credentials you use when logging in to the driver app. This will open the webpage containing your digital ID badge.
Download the badge file
- Click on the "Save as PDF" button to save the badge as a PDF file.
- Click on the "Save as PDF" button to save the badge as a PDF file.
Prepare for Printing
- Open the downloaded badge or screenshot on your computer.
- Connect your device to a compatible printer (via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or a cable) for mobile printing.
Adjust Printing Settings
- Set the paper size to the size of the paper you are using (usually "US letter")
- Ensure the orientation (portrait or landscape) matches the badge design.
- Select high-quality color printing for clarity.
- Consider choosing borderless printing if available.
Important: Use the 100% scale, or "Actual size" print option to ensure the badge is printed in the correct size.
Print the Badge
- Send the badge file to the printer and ensure the output matches your expectations.
Creating the Physical Badge
Cut out the Badge
- Use scissors or a paper cutter to carefully trim the printed badge to the correct size, ensuring it fits snugly in the transparent badge holder.
Insert the Badge in to the Badge holder
- Slide the trimmed or laminated badge into the transparent badge holder, ensuring the front is aligned and clearly visible.